This page contains information on how to join Bretons Model Flying Club.

Bretons Model Flying Club (BMFC) is a long established club in Essex. While the club allows many disciplines of models to be flown at our site there are some limitations on model types and size that can be flown here and some limitations regarding the training we can offer to new pilots.

• Turbines are not permitted, and we have a weight limit of 7.5kg including fuel.

• We currently only have instructors capable of teaching new pilots Fixed Wing Flying to "A" test standard and beyond.

• Due to the way the club membership has evolved since 1977 when the club started, we do not have any instructors that can teach any other discipline. i.e., Drone, Multi-rota, and Helicopter.

Please use the flow chart below to find out if the BMFC is a good fit for you and the type of model you are most interested in flying at our site:

For much more information than we have here on our site please click on the 4 important links below and to join the BMFA:

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